Variousprizeswillbeawardedbasedonthecategoryandsingularinterpretations. Thedifferentprizeswillbefinancedbythesponsorsandcollaborators of theCompetition.
+ConcertwithOrchestra: Teatro de Elche, with the Elche Symphonic Orchestra, season 2025/26
2ndprize: €600 +Franz Liszt Festival in Auditorium of La Nucia, organised by Franz Liszt Center
3rdprize: €400
Special Prizes:
-“OscarEsplá Prize”for the best performance of Spanish music. This prize includes a Diploma (CategoriesCand GrandPrix) -“GuitarristaJoséTomás Prize”for the best performance from the Alicante region. For pianists participating in the Competition who were born or who reside in Alicante or Alicante regional. ItisnotobligatorytohaveSpanishcitizenshipforthisprize. -“FranzLiszt Center Prize”forthebestpianist residing in Spain: 2 Master Classes free of charge in Franz Liszt Center in La Nucia, Spain